Improving Wellness
Changing Lives

Find out if our proven treatment plans can work for you too and take the fist step to living the life you love!

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Why Us

Whether you're looking for relief from severe chronic pain, searching for ways to beat the aches and pains of day-to-day living, or seeking the "holy grail" of optimal health and peak performance, you've come to the right place.

I think you'll find we're a little different from other health care providers. It's not just our commitment to providing first-class health care through natural chiropractic treatments - though that's part of it. And it's not just our great rates that provide a fantastic value for our patients-though that's part of it, too. It's our whole philosophy.

You see, I'm passionate about wellness- your wellness-on a structural, nutritional, even emotional level! And so is my whole team. That's why, once you're out of pain-whether it's back pain, neck pain, headaches, extremity pain, or other problems- we'll teach you how stay that way while maximizing your "TOTAL HEALTH"... for good!

But that doesn't mean we'll keep you coming back every week for years on end, like some chiropractors do. We'll get to the cause of your problem and correct it naturally and thoroughly so you can get on with your life!

Please take a few minutes to browse our website and get acquainted. We look forward to seeing you soon!

"Keeping You Healthy"

Dr. Lance Rawlings

Meet Our Team

Dr. Lance Rawlings

Dr. Lance Rawlings has been in private practice for over 30 years. He is a highly experienced chiropractor treating patients with chronic or acute back, neck, shoulder, sciatic nerve and extremity pain, headaches and many other health-related issues.

Contact Us

Rawlings Chiropractic

741 East 9000 South, Sandy, UT 84094

Office Hours

10am-1pm and 3pm-6pm
10am-1pm and 3pm-6pm

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